Implement Collaborative Gamification Strategies to Drive Referrals

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Implement Collaborative Gamification Strategies to Drive Referrals

Collaborative gamification cultivates communities around brands, driving referral rates that enables zero-cost customer acquisition and better retention.

Elia Wagner, CX Architect

Journey Popularity Index: 

The Rationale

Collaborative gamification leverages the power of social connections to motivate existing customers to refer their friends and family. It provides a structured framework for tracking and rewarding referrals, creating a win-win situation where customers are incentivized to share their positive experiences.

The Benefits

Collaborative gamification fosters a sense of community around the brand. This network effect then ultimately leads to increased customer acquisition, engagement, and overall brand loyalty.

Ideally Suited For

Industry: Insurance, Banking, Large-Retail
Mobile app: Yes
Existing Loyalty program: Not a must
Drive Multi-Actions: Yes

Key Performance Indicators

Heightened Referral Rates, Acquisitions, and Customer Loyalty

SMS Notification

Chenda received a push notification from Umbrelife inviting her to participate in a new team challenge.


Team-based Challenge

Chenda invited her friends and formed a team of three.


Milestone Campaign

Chenda’s team is eagerly striving to accomplish all the milestones for the rewards.




Chenda checks the leaderboard to understand other teams' performance.


Instant Gratification

Chenda's team receives the reward for successfully completing all the milestones.



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